What is the heart? ​
The heart is a spiritual energy that rests in the centre of the chest. It is dormant until it is connected to. The heart can be accessed by anyone willing to do the work.
Why is the heart important?
Love connects and unites us all. Love is the divine energy that powers the universe. The heart holds this very same love energy. It allows the love to flow through your entire being. You love everything with all your heart. Love infuses into what you feel, think, speak and do. This ultimately transfigures your reality into paradise: Heaven on Earth.
How do I connect to my heart?
You need to set the intention to connect to your heart. Set the intention of: "I set the intention to connect to my heart." After setting the intention, you need to take action. Action relates to the continual process of purifying your energetic body. The human body comprises the four sub-energetic bodies of body, mind, emotion and the soul. To purify the energy means to move, balance and feel the energy. Purification allows you to feel and be connected to your heart. This is done with love because we want to be healthy: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The heart is the gatekeeper of the soul. It operates at the spiritual level.
To purify the physical body we need to:
1) Breathe deeply
2) Drink purified water and eat healthy food
3) Regularly exercise
4) Get enough quality sleep
To purify the mental body we need to:
1) Meditate
2) Be in nature
3) Journal down our thoughts
To purify the emotional body we need to:
1) Journal down our feelings
2) Process our emotions
3) Develop awareness of our emotions
To purify the heart we need to use:
1) Forgiveness
2) Compassion
3) Love
4) Gratitude